Wikke van der Putten
PhD student Dr. Leo KannerhuisAfter finishing the Research Master of Psychology and the master of Clinical Developmental Psychology, both at the University of Amsterdam in 2018, I started working as a research assistant for the “Autism & Aging” project of d’Arc and as a psychologist at the Dr. Leo Kannerhuis. I joind d’Arc as a PhD-student in October 2019, under supervision of prof. dr. Hilde Geurts and dr. Audrey Mol. My PhD-project is a cooperation between d’Arc and the Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, which is a specialized mental health clinic for autistic children, adolescents and adults.
During my PhD-project, I focus mainly on the role of camouflaging behavior in the development of mental health difficulties in autistic adults. I will investigate how camouflaging can be measured in a valid and reliable manner, which will result in a self-report questionnaire that can be used in scientific research and clinical practice. Furthermore, I aim to disentangle for whom camouflaging may be related to mental health difficulties and whether camouflaging behavior is specific for autistic adults. In these studies, I will also focus on sex differences in camouflaging behavior. After gaining more knowledge about the construct of camouflaging behavior, I aim to investigate the role of camouflaging behavior in the diagnostics process and during interventions.