
Welcome Novika Purnama Sari

Posted on: 04 november 2021

Per November 1st 2021 we have a new postdoctoral researcher in our lab: Novika Purnama Sari. Novika will work on the project on Aging & Autism, and will mostly focus on comorbidities in adulthood. Her research interest in autism started in 2014, when she did an internship at an inclusive school in Indonesia. For her master thesis, she developed a cultural-theme based teaching media specifically for classes that included students with autism. In 2017 she started as a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, exploring the association of autistic traits in children with various predictors and outcomes (e.g. academic achievement, peer relationship, parental age, and parenting). The study was embedded in the Generation R study group at the Erasmus Medical Center, a cohort study with 10.000 participants including mothers and children. In addition, she was a visiting researcher at the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge, collaborating and comparing the cohort data for one of her PhD projects.

We are very happy to welcome Novika in our lab, and look forward to discuss and create research together.

See for a full (Dutch) bio of Novika: